WynBay LLEN is an independent broker of strategic partnerships between business, education, training and community organizations.
The LLEN is also an incorporated network comprising business, industry, education, training and community members. All stakeholders and members of the network are invested in building brighter futures for our regions.
For all businesses and educators who want to make strategic and impactful investments in partnerships – WynBay LLEN can facilitate, advise, manage and evaluate partnerships that will realize successful outcomes for all parties.
There are 31 independent LLENs across Victoria funded by the Victorian Government.
The goal of each LLEN is to support all secondary school students within its geographical boundaries, by developing partnerships which result in an increase in the number and range of school-employer engagement activities in local government areas.
- The LLEN creates strategic, sustainable partnerships that improve education and transition outcomes for young people, including increasing Year 12 or equivalent attainment rates.
- Each LLEN is an incorporated association run by an elected Board or Committee of Management, which includes groups and organisations such as education and training providers, business and industry, and community agencies.
The LLEN also:
- aims to improve the education, training and employment outcomes of young people
- adds value to the public and private investment in education
- facilitates and supports a range of initiatives, and develops partnerships and collaborates with and across stakeholders to provide better pathways and support for young people
- undertakes local strategic planning
- provides local advice on statewide policy and program issues
- serves as an active platform for joining government initiatives with local education and training systems.
Established in 2001, WynBay LLEN (Wyndham and Hobsons Bay Local Learning and Employment Network) is an independent and incorporated entity. The LLEN was established in response to the recommendation of the hallmark Kirby Report into post compulsory training and education outcomes in Victoria. The LLENs in the early years was contracted by the then Victorian Learning Skills Commission. Since its abolition, the LLENs have been contracted directly by the Department of Education and Training.
In 2010 as part of its commitment to the National Partnership for Youth Attainment and Transitions the Commonwealth announced funding for the establishment of a national network of School Business Community Partnership Brokers (Partnership Brokers) to build partnerships that support improved education and transition outcomes for all young people. In Victoria, the Commonwealth recognised that the existing Local Learning and Employment Network program broadly reflected many of the key objectives of the SBCPB program. On the basis of the similarities between the two programs and in keeping with the principles outlined in the COAG agreed National Partnership on Youth Attainment and Transitions the Commonwealth and the Victoria Governments (through DEEWR and DEECD) jointly funded the Partnership Brokers program in Victoria, through an enhanced LLEN. Funding for School Business Community Partnership Brokers ended in December 2015.
Following the Department's 2015 commissioned review of school-industry engagement and best practice models, a reformed service for Structured Workplace Learning (SWL) was introduced in 2016. The 31 LLENs were funded to facilitate access to SWL placements for school students that are tailored to local priorities and employment opportunities. The reformed service that combines a statewide portal and local co-ordination by the LLENs was expected to increase the scale, appropriateness and consistency of SWL placements across Victoria, and better prepare school students for post-school transitions to further education, training and work. From 2020 - 2022, in addition to the Structured Workplace Learning (SWL) opportunities, the Local Learning and Employment Network (LLENs) were funded to source additional school-employer engagement activities for school students:
- placement opportunities including work experience, structured workplace learning and school community work
- school-based apprenticeships and traineeships
- guest speakers and presenters from industry workplace
- visits and industry tours
- mock interviews and work-readiness preparation.
School to Work Program (2023 - 2025)
The Victorian Government will continue its long and proud partnership with the 31 Local Learning and Employment Networks that deliver this program.
The Minister for Education Natalie Hutchins, on 26 October 2022, announced the School to Work program, which will work in partnership with 31 Local Learning and Employment Networks (LLENs) to help secondary students gain work placements in their local area.
The School to Work program will provide a clear front door for industry to engage with students and schools and the program will build pathways to jobs for the future. Schools will be supported to match the right student with the right opportunity – including school-based apprenticeships and traineeships – to build a pathway into local jobs in growing industries. The program will also help schools engage with businesses to better prepare students for successful transitions into the workforce.
This initiative builds on the LLEN relationships with local communities and employers, and supports schools to make quality connections for their students to the world of work.
By joining the WynBay LLEN you can make a difference to individuals and your broader community by contributing to strategies that improve education and training outcomes for young people. Any organisation or individual with an interest in education, training and employment outcomes for young people can be involved in the LLEN in their area.