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Events and Careers Activities

Promote your industry as a career pathway and attract young people into your industry

At WynBay LLEN, one of our goals is to guide students on their career journeys by supporting schools and students by offering impactful events and programs. We offer a dynamic range of career events and program initiatives designed to equip students with the skills, knowledge, and networks they need to succeed in their education, training, and career development.

Through strategic partnerships with educational institutions, businesses, and community organisations, we aim to create immersive, real-world experiences that empower students to overcome barriers to education and employment.

Key Career Events and Programs: 

  • "Career Insights: Industry Talks & Guest Speakers" – Inspire students by sharing your career journey, industry insights, and pathways to success.
  • "Job Ready: Mock Job Interview Experience" – Help students build confidence and gain practical skills through volunteering to be part of one-on-one mock interviews.
  • "Career Pathways: Industry Tours & Workplace Visits" – Open your doors to provide students with a firsthand look at your workplace and the career opportunities within your industry.


We invite your business /  organisation and your team to join us in shaping the future workforce by volunteering your time and expertise for career events and programs. Whether you’re available to:

  • Speak to students about career pathways,
  • Participate in mock job interviews, or
  • Host an industry tour at your workplace,

your involvement will make a meaningful difference.

For more details and how to get involved, please contact:

Kerri Pleydell-Sander
School to Work Coordinator (Events & Activities)
Mob:0400 416 931
(Monday -Thursday)