WynBay LLEN is funded to deliver the School to Work program, which supports schools in engaging with industry and providing high-quality work-based learning opportunities for all students.
These work-based learning opportunities include:
- work experience (WE)
- structured workplace learning (SWL)
- school-based apprenticeships and traineeships (SBATs) for non-government school students
- workplace visits and industry tours
- life skills programs and work-readiness activities.
Benefits for Employers:
Becoming a host employer or involving yourself in school activities is a great opportunity for you to:
- Contribute to the education and career development of young people.
- Share insights about your industry and career paths.
- Promote desired attitudes and skills for your workforce.
- Identify potential talent for your industry.
- Strengthen community ties and enhance your business profile.
You can support activities like:
- Work Experience and Structured Workplace Learning placements.
- School-Based Apprenticeships and Traineeships.
- School Community Work (approved volunteering).
- Events such as workplace visits and career expos.
If you are interested in hosting students for Structured Workplace Learning (SWL) or Work Experience (WE) at your workplace, please contact:
Industry Partnership Lead - (SWL)
Mob: 0412671042
School to Work Coordinator - (WE)
Mob: 0467 894 750
For involvement in industry events like workplace visits or careers events, please contact:
Kerri Pleydell-Sander
School to Work Coordinator (Events & Activities)
Mob:0400 416 931
(Monday -Thursday)