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Welcome to WynBay LLEN

WynBay LLEN is an independent broker of strategic partnerships between business, education, training and community organizations. The LLEN is also an incorporated network comprising business, industry, education, training and community members. All stakeholders and members of the network are invested in building brighter futures for our regions. For all businesses and educators who want to make strategic and impactful investments in partnerships – WynBay LLEN can facilitate, advise, manage and evaluate partnerships that will realize successful outcomes for all parties.

WynBay LLEN is currently funded by the Victorian government and maintains a close working relationship with the Department of Education. We have a clear understanding of government policies and priorities including over 20 years of local knowledge and experience. Representing over 150 businesses, we have a real appreciation of business needs. Collaboration and partnerships between businesses, education providers, and the community can create powerful solutions to meeting your learning, skilling, or employment goals. We are focused on assisting the government to improve youth attainment and transition outcomes. To create successful labor market outcomes for especially youth. Find out more...

Latest News

We are hiring - join our team ! VET Education Senior Administration Officer

Looking to make a difference in schools. Join a well-established growing team in a new role at WynBay LLEN.

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WRAP - Werribee Region Agriculture Pathways - Media Release

WynBay LLEN thanks and applauds the Andrews Labor Government for announcing that Secondary schools across Victoria will receive funding to help students gain the skills they need for a career in agriculture.

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WynBay LLEN - Supporting School Students Secure Work Placements (Media Release)

More Victorian school students will be able to secure work placements and on-the job training experience, backed by the Andrews Labor Government. The Minister announced that WynBay LLEN will provide the School to Work program in Wyndham and Hobsons Bay.

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Strategic Partners

Strategic Partners